Register for Tutoring
Register now for Saturday tutoring sessions!

Register for Tutoring
Complete this form to secure your child's spot for tutoring sessions tailored for students in grades 2-8. Ensure to fill in all required details, including your email and phone number for communication purposes.
Stay Updated
Receive timely notifications about upcoming tutoring dates via email or phone once you've registered. Don't miss out on valuable Math and ELA support sessions held every Saturday from 11:00am to 1:30pm.
Mark Your Calendar
Tutoring sessions come with a complimentary snack! Please ensure your child is promptly picked up at 1:30pm. Your child's educational journey is our priority, and punctuality ensures they get the most out of every session.
Success Starts Now!
Enroll today at NLC Academy and embark on a journey of academic excellence!

Register now for Saturday tutoring sessions!
Secure your child’s spot in Saturday tutoring sessions for grades 2-8, covering Math and ELA subjects, by registering now to ensure they receive the support they need to succeed academically
Stay updated with email or phone alerts.
Stay updated with timely notifications via email or phone, ensuring you’re informed about any changes or cancellations regarding tutoring sessions for your child.
Grades 2-8 Math and ELA tutoring.
Grades 2-8 students can access dedicated tutoring sessions for both Math and ELA subjects, providing comprehensive support to enhance their skills and excel academically.